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Feminists must think radically to reject sex self-identification laws

via Feminists must think radically to reject sex self-identification laws

The 41% trans suicide attempt rate: A tale of flawed data and lazy journalists

What medical researchers and journalists should be reporting to all doctors and the public…


If there is one constant in reports about transgender people, it’s the prevalence of suicidal intent.  Nearly all media accounts cite an average 41% suicide attempt rate. A Google keyword search for “transgender 41% suicide” results in over 43,000 hits.

Often, the attempted suicide rate is presented in the context of a story about a young person desperately needing to medically “transition” to the opposite sex. Caitlyn Jenner mentioned the 41% when accepting the ESPY courage award last month, and gender specialists like Johanna Olson routinely bring up suicide as a rationale for hormone and surgical treatments.

In every one of the stories I’ve read, the unspoken or explicit assumption is that transition cures suicidality.

A parent reading one of these stories will be terrified. The very notion that a child might attempt suicide is the worst possible nightmare a mother or father could imagine. The message being hammered  over and over again is…

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Mrs. H v. Planet Fitness (USA) @PlanetFitness

What is a woman? (this one goes out to all the AGPs in the house)

I especially like the reference to Mr. and Mrs. Woke, lol.


“If someone identifies and lives as a woman then they ARE a woman”

Okay Mr and Mrs Woke, shall we unpack that statement just for a second?

Someone identifies as a woman because they feel like a woman? I’ve been a woman for more years than I care to remember, yet I couldn’t tell you what it feels like to be one if you paid me. I know how it feels to be treated like a woman, to live in the body of a female human being but anything else is my own individual personality. And it’s true I don’t know how it feels to be a trans identifying man but that works both ways. You don’t know how it feels to stand up in a public place terrified you’ve got blood all over your skirt OR how it feels for dirty old men to compare you to Page 3…

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The projections of FETAs (Female-Excluding Trans Activists).

The Prime Directive

I’ve discussed in the past how advocates of irrational ideologies have no material to attack their opponents with, so their attacks are heavily laced with projections, if not exclusively projections.

A FETA called Miriam Dobson wrote an entry called “Truly radical environmentalism must have anti-oppression at its heart.” This is basically an anti-DGR (Deep Green Resistance) screed, which I find despicable in itself, but I’ve chosen this entry specifically because virtually every single criticism raised by Dobson is actually a projection of what FETAs are doing. It provides us with a wide overview of all that’s wrong with trans genderism.

Just so it’s clear, let me restate what I mean by trans genderism: I mean by that an ideology which uses transgender people as an argument to rationalize the existence of gender. Trans genderists (FETAs) believe that individuals whose “gender identity” (a nonsense concept) clashes with…

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Are Male Trans Peaceful?

Consider here in the U.S., we have Martin Luther King Jr day, annually.

How peaceful would it be if white people such as Rachel Dolezal, who claim to be black or people of color, and call themselves “transracial,” showed up at an MLK Day parade, with a contingent and banners about being “transracial,” and claiming they’re more oppressed than African Americans?

Would that be peaceful?

Censored from Scoop: Green Party sex self-identification proposals are “transphobic”

” I argue that while the falsification of historic documents and identification papers may appeal to some trans-identified individuals on a personal level, it is not in the interests of trans-identified people as a group. In fact, proposals that erase evidence of gender transition to conflate it with biological sex can easily be viewed as “transphobic”, to use the language of transactivism, since they involve a refusal to confront the realities of gender transition in favour of systematic invisibility.”

writing by renee

I am getting very used to censorship by so-called leftist outlets. Scoop Media published this article on May 28 this year, and on July 3, I happened to notice that it had disappeared from the website. Scoop editor Joe Cederwall and director Alastair Thompson had removed it without consulting with me or letting me know.

When I asked Cederwall about this, he told me that “unfortunately, it is out of my hands”. Thompson, who is apparently living happily in France, then e-mailed me to say my writing was censored because “your approach to the subject matter lacked subtlety. In addition your combative approach to communicating your views, both on Scoop and elsewhere, appeared unlikely to result in the kind of constructive debate”.

I suppose that every other Scoop writer fulfills the outlet’s criteria of being “subtle” and suitably submissive, lest they be censored without discussion or notice. Well then, so…

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No Hormones: Boston Marathon to allow men to compete as female on the basis of feelings alone

Feminists,.Is this ok with you?


Are All-Women Shortlists Transphobic?

By Helen Saxby – Brilliant post! – fmnst

Are All-Women Shortlists Transphobic?

Transgender Kids: Are We Doing More Harm Than Good?